In a world now filled with instant access and vicarious living, whether it be partying or adventure, all of us succumb to the ease in which we can experience things from our couch or conference table. We used to escape by going places, now we log on to social media for our fill. Help us remind everyone that true adventurism is earned and forged by experience.
It often leaves a mark.
The Roark Revival wants your stories. Take a picture of a scar that is proof of your journey and convert your scar to a hashtag on Instagram. Post the photo and story behind how you earned the scar and tag it with#scarstohashtags and @roarkrevival. Without consequence, there is no reward.
Example: St. Valentines Day Massacre, Tavarua Island. 150 Fiji Bitters, 27 broken Fiji Bitter bottles, 1 broken restaurant, 15 stitches to the foot, 4 gashes to the back, 1 adrenalin shot to the arse of a Tavi boatman, 8 2-day hangovers. I think all 8 of us sport scars from that one night at the bar! #scarstohashtags@roarkrevival @mikecarter777 @billbryan @wattnar @brandygrams @tavarua_fiji @surfnsport82
The best scar-story post wins a limited edition Roark X Chris Christenson “Camp Tokyo” Enduro single-fin. Contest ends December 1st but scars last forever!