Tangled Yarns Eps. 1 | Roark Founder, Ryan Hitzel & Roark Ambassador, Nate Zoller

I have been on this journey with Roark for over 12 years now. All of you have made this wild real-life adventure possible, so I decided it was time to start a thread, lift the kilt and share some of the behind the scenes of what makes Roark, Roark. There’s a ton going on around here and never enough room to talk about it all. Stories are one of the most important aspects of Roark, and with our crew, they’re plentiful. Not just the ones coming from far off places, but the inspiration behind product, insight on new projects and generally what’s spilling out of my brain at the moment. Tangled, or not – they’re coming your way. 

I had a chance to catch up with our first Ambassador, Nate Zoller. We’ve seen a lot together and he’s always a good one to pulse check happenings and unpack ideas. We talked shop up on some experiments we fooled around with, some miscues and our new film shot in Norway. The conversation is unedited and kinda raw, come hang! I’m looking forward to spending more time together and introducing you to people I’m inspired by.