An enigmatic composer of art, music, and advocacy, Jean-Michel Basquiat has inspired creatives around the globe for decades. The Radiant Child, no stranger to the beauty derived from chaos, imbued this color into every medium of his work. This collection revels in the delicate art of abstract expression through movement, sound, and the rhythm and flow birthed from the combination of the two.
We are proud to present this collection with the iconic art of Jean-Michel Basquiat.
The Gonzo Series features our favorite camp collar silhouette, giving you room to breathe and relax no matter the situation. Call it a party shirt, we call it an everyday shirt.
How to get the most out of your gear. Our products are crafted with precision and care, and with just a few simple steps, you can maintain their exceptional condition.
We offer free ground shipping on all orders over $100. After your payment is verified, most orders ship within one business day from our warehouse in Henderson, NV.
We offer free returns and exchanges within 30 days of purchase for items purchased at and official Roark retail locations, excluding items that were on sale.
We consistently put our gear through trials and tribulations. But we want to hear how our goods work out in the wild with you!
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