In 2008, Jamie Collins began working on a secret skate ramp deep in the forest on Vancouver Island where he lived. He worked under the cover of the forest canopy creating a masterpiece that was going to be used in the intro for his upcoming video part to coincide with the release of his pro model deck for his company, Instrumental Skateboards. Unfortunately, that was never to be. Collins, tragically passed away in a cliff jumping accident shortly after completing his secret ramp, but before he could start filming for his video part. Today the ramps whereabouts remain a secret. Only a select group of people have skated it and we are very honored that it was shared with Roark as part of our Artifacts of Adventure for Volume 11: “Hellbound in Clayoquot Sound.”
As Jamie began working on the ramp he had actually started forming all the bricks way before he knew what he was going to build or where he was going to build it. While out exploring one day he found the perfect spot in the forest to build it and for three years he trekked into the forest hauling in all the materials and supplies by himself. The ramp was completed on June 1st, 2011 which also marked Jamie’s 32nd birthday. After all the concrete was poured and set, Collins realized he had over calculated quite a bit, so he had to hike 30-plus bags of concrete back out of the forest!
Collins passed away shortly after completion in August of 2012. The only footage of the Vancouver Island icon skating his top secret DIY project deep in the Tofino rainforest was featured in a 2013 short film by Color Magazine (R.I.P. – Rest In Print). “I like to think Jamie would of cracked a few beers and a huge smile watching the Chief (Jamie Thomas) drop in on his masterpiece. Much love to Jamie Thomas, Dylan Gordon and Roark for showing love to Jamie “Odes” Collins and Instrumental, it means the world to us,” Brandon Wells – Instrumental Skateboards.
Jamie Collins
June 1979 – August 2012
The Jamie Collins Legend and Legacy Fund Facebook page is a tribute to Collins. Jamie’s friends and family maintain the page as a source of information for those wanting to honor his memory through the fund. All donations go towards creating athletic and educational opportunities for kids and youth in West Coast communities on Canada’s Vancouver Island. Jamie grew his confidence and zest for life through Skateboarding. He was strongly supportive of anyone who aspired to share his life’s passion and was known to help young skaters acquire needed equipment and build their skills. Regular updates are posted on the page to tell the story of Jamie’s ongoing legacy helping youth in the Port Alberni and Tofino communities through the fund and donations.
The very last footage of the Vancouver Island icon skating his top secret DIY project deep in the Tofino rainforest, plus Instrumental Skateboards remembers their fallen comrade with a team trip back to Jamie’s secret spot.